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5 Important Reasons to Not Skip Your Dental Exams

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — markelawtondds @ 4:27 pm
A man seated in a dental chair for his dental exam.

Life can get busy sometimes, making it easy to put off important appointments like your semi-annual dental exams. Worse yet, if you’re afraid of finding undiscovered cavities or gum disease, it can make avoiding the dentist even easier. But unfortunately, dental issues don’t usually go away on their own. In fact, if neglected, they can get a lot worse. Here are some important reasons why you should never skip your semi-annual dental exams.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Did you know that your dentist will screen you for oral cancer during your regular check-ups? While oral cancer is often curable with early diagnosis, letting it go undetected can be deadly.

Gum Disease Treatment & Prevention

Gum disease starts off as gingivitis, an easily reversible condition. But in order to treat it, you have to know you have it. Unfortunately, when not addressed it can easily turn into periodontitis, a condition that if left untreated can lead to tooth loss, gum loss, and even jawbone loss. Thus, visiting your dentist regularly can help stop gum disease in its tracks, before it’s too late to prevent serious damage.


Cavities are another one of those problems that if you don’t stay on top of, they can get a lot bigger and a lot harder to treat. What could start out needing a small filling could eventually require a crown, or in extreme cases, a tooth extraction.

Total Body Health & Wellness

Did you know that your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, and as such your oral health can affect your overall health? It’s true. Studies have shown that people with high levels of certain oral bacteria may be at a higher risk of developing dementia later in life, and gum disease is often associated with other conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can help protect your entire body against illness, not just your mouth!

Financial Benefits

If you have dental insurance that you’re not taking advantage of, you’re throwing your money away. Dental insurance focuses on preventive care, meaning that it’s designed to keep your mouth healthy, so you don’t need expensive interventions down the road. When you don’t attend your semi-annual exams, you are not only wasting cash, but you could also require more costly procedures by ignoring problems when they’re still small.

Remember, there are many reasons why it can be difficult to visit the dentist for your semi-annual checkups, but none of them are more important than your oral health. Make self-care a priority and schedule your dental exam appointment today.

About Dr. Lawton

Dr. Mark Lawton is a skilled dentist with a love for helping people. He first became fascinated by dentistry as a Boy Scout earning his dentistry badge and has never looked back. Today, Dr. Lawton keeps his dentistry skills sharp through active membership with Spear Study Club, and he is proud to exceed the state required continuing education requirements by several times over!

To schedule your semi-annual exam, please visit our website or call us today at 281-447-2186.

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